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David Joseph Inlow

Agency: Kansas City Police Department, MO

David Joseph Inlow served in law enforcement for 15 years with the Kansas City Police Department. 

In the early morning hours of May 25, 1980, Officer Inlow was patrolling his area when he noticed some unusual activity at an all-night service station at 3737 East 31st Street. Upon closer examination, he realized that there was a robbery in progress and attempted to stop it. In the next few minutes, he was involved in a fierce gun battle, during which Officer Inlow was mortally wounded but was still able to return fire, killing suspect Dennis Keith Carter, 23, who sustained four fatal gunshot wounds to the chest. A passerby spotted Officer Inlow and the suspect lying on the ground and reported it to a local Fire Station. Responding officers found Officer Inlow next to his police car where he apparently collapsed trying to get to his radio. The suspect lay dead on the ground twenty feet away with money still grasped in his hand and scattered nearby. The gas station attendant was ordered into the restroom by the suspect and did not witness the shooting.

Terry Hamilton, driver of the get-away car for the robbery plead guilty to a charge of second degree murder in 1981.


I never was able to meet you, Uncle David, but from every story our family has told, you were an amazing man. You always put others before you and helped anyone you could and never wanted recognition for all of your good deeds. You even had aided your murderers in rehabilitation not long before they killed you. Hundreds of people felt the effects of your absence and for those of us who live off of the memories of others, we feel it through them. May you rest in peace knowing that you'll never be forgotten and you'll always be loved!

Tina Brune

At the time of David's death, we were working the 4-10 plan. Before my transfer to the 360 tactical unit at EPD, I was David's "partner" for 2-4 hours [I can't remember exactly how long] each night as our shifts overlapped driving the "wagon". David was a great guy and always nice to be around. I was on days off the night he was killed. 43rd & Cleveland at the gas station I believe. You never forget details of things like this.

Mike Moorefield
Former KCMOPD #2931

Dave was working for me and was my acting sergeant. He was riding my sergeants car , radio 330 on that fatal day. I was on vacation in Texas when I got the devastating phone call that Dave was killed while interrupting a robbery at the gas station at 31st & Cleveland. He was a good friend and a good cop.

Sgt. John dawson (ret)
Kansas City police dept.

I love you grandpa!

David J. Inlow III
