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Dennis J. Whalen

Agency: Kansas City Police Department, MO

Sergeant Dennis J. Whalen was born in Ireland on April 10th, 1886. Sergeant Whalen joined the Kansas City Police Department in 1889, and had served as a beat patrolman, a special guard, and an executive officer. On April 30, 1913, he was responsible for the capture of the two men who had killed Officer Andrew Lynch and Officer Homer Riggle 11 years earlier. He served with the Kansas City Police Department for 34 years in total. 

Sergeant Whalen was shot by a bandit at 1549 East Eighteenth Street December 31, 1923. He was sent on a stolen property call to a pawn shop on East 18th Street, on New Year's Eve, 1923. Two men began fighting with him and Sgt. Whalen was shot before he could draw his weapon. He died from his injuries the next day.

Sergeant Whalen was survived by his wife, Annie.

