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Grant Victor Schroder

Agency: Kansas City Police Department, MO

Officer Grant Victor Schroder served with the Kansas City Police Department for one year.

On November 26, 1934, Officer Schroder was shot and killed by another Officer, Myron K. Fanning, who was highly intoxicated and despondent over his presence and failure to provide assistance during the Union Station Massacre. Officers Schroder and J.A. Yoeham responded to Union Station after Fanning created a disturbance brandishing his revolver. When the officers confronted Fanning in the train yard, Fanning opened fire striking Schroder in the chest. Officer Schroder died within a few minutes. Fanning left the scene in a taxi but was apprehended a short time after the assault.

Officer Schroder was survived by his parents and wife, Doris.

