
Herbert E. Bybee

Agency: Kansas City Police Department, MO

Patrolman Bybee and Sergeant Kieffer Burris drowned while practicing scuba diving at Lake Lotawana for an underwater recovery unit that the department was forming.

At approximately 16:00 the two were spotted by a resident of the lake area and everything seemed alright. However, at approximately 17:30, one of the residents noticed Sergeant Burris floating face down in the water, and Patrolman Bybee's body was recovered a short time later. Patrolman Bybee's tank was empty but Sergeant Burris's still had air pressure, so the exact cause of this incident was not known.

Patrolman Bybee had been with the agency for two years and served in the United States Navy for four years. He was survived by his wife and four children.

