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Lawrence kenton morrison

Agency: Kansas City Police Department, MO

Officer Lawrence K. Morrison served with the Kansas City Police Department for 19 years. 

On September 10, 1936, Officer Morrison was stationed at a speed trap on Brookside Boulevard. A car passed him going at an excessive rate of speed. Officer Morrison started his motorcycle, turned on his siren, and pursued the speeding car. At times traveling at a rate of more than 70 miles per hour, he had almost overtaken the car when a cattle truck entered the intersection of Brookside Boulevard and Main Street. Officer Morrison hit the rear of the truck, and sustained serious injuries. When his motorcycle was later examined, the speedometer had stuck on 70 mph. The driver of the speeding car was not caught. That day, Morrison was taken to Menorah Hospital, where he was to remain the rest of his life. The second grade of Irving School (Twenty-fourth Street and Prospect Avenue) "adopted" him and regularly sent him letters and cards during that time, in an effort to raise his spirits. Officer Morrison died of his injuries on June 19, 1937. 

He was survived by his daughter, Helen. 

