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Leroy van meter

Agency: Kansas City Police Department, MO

Officer VanMeter joined the Kansas City Police Department on  March 17th, 1924 and was with the agency for nine years.

Officer VanMeter was on duty, on January 23rd, when he decided to walk to the Nunn-Bush shoe store at 102 E. 10th Street. Officer Van Meter was friendly with the store owners and managers in the area, including Leo C. Castle, the manager of the Nunn-Bush store. When he walked into the store at 4:40 pm, he spotted Castle lying on the floor in the rear of the store with his hands tied. The robber was leaving the store when VanMeter entered. He ordered him to hold up his hands, the robber then shot him point blank in the face. He fell and the robber fled. Officer VanMeter was taken to General Hospital where he died thirty minutes later.

Officer VanMeter was survived by his wife, Ruth, and their daughter.

