
Oliver P. Carpenter

Agency: Kansas City Police Department, MO

Detective Oliver P. Carpenter was born on November 5th, 1976 in Kentucky to John and Elizabeth Carpenter. He served for 24 years in law enforcement. 

On February 8th, 1932, Detective Carpenter was shot and killed when he and his partner, Edward H. Young, interrupted an armed robbery by 5 men at the downtown Mercantile Trust Company. He was cut down by a fusillade of bullets sustaining 14 gunshot wounds. Detective Carpenter and a company janitor were both killed when the suspects opened fire with a machine gun. John Dugan and John Mingori were both apprehended and charged with 1st degree murder. Dugan was found to be the owner of the pistol that killed Detective Carpenter and was arrested as he attempted to dispose of the murder weapon. 

Detective Carpenter was survived by his brothers, Ruben, John and George. He was 55 years old at his death. 

