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Thomas J. Auliffe

Agency: Kansas City Police Department, MO

Patrolman Thomas McAuliffe was born in Ireland on October 15th, 1884. Officer McAuliffe was 52 years old and was a member of the department for 5 years at the time of his death. He worked for the department for several years twenty years earlier. 

On June 25, 1937, Patrolman McAuliffe was shot and killed by a pipeline worker who had been robbed. The suspect was unhappy that action was not being taken fast enough. Patrolman McAuliffe offered to take the man home who was drunk inside a saloon. The man grabbed his service revolver and shot him. The 30-year-old suspect was shot and critically wounded by another officer. He died in a Kansas City hospital three weeks later.

Officer McAuliffe was survived by his wife, Mary, and two daughters, Catherine and Marie. 

